Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bihar midday meal tragedy: Principal on the run; minister attacked (TOI)

Click here for the link

  • Principal absconding - Raw material from principal's husband
  • Death toll reaches 24
  • Food didn't undergo quality check
  • Principal suspended - Is that enough? Where is she seeking refuge?
  • No arrests made so far
  • Heart wrenching pictures of villages digging graves for mass burial (Image copyrighted by The Times of India)
WHERE IS OUR CONSCIENCE -  Is it so easy to flee after murdering TWENTY FOUR young children and poisoning countless others??

- Eccentrica 101

1 comment:

  1. Someone I spoke to about this has a very interesting take on this. He/she thinks that the principal of the school fled to save her life and that if she didn't flee, the parents would have stoned her to death. He/she believes that the incident is heavily political and the woman is innocent; she got caught and is just another pawn in this tainted political game.

    I thought it was interesting and should be posted.
